Bartholomew St. James
The Contrarian Candidate
It’s debate night in America.
And the one man with a real chance of defeating the twice-impeached president will finally be on that stage. Stand-up comic Charlie Wyatt launched his career on the back of the man, often referring to him as DUPHUS – like POTUS, only not. Charlie voted for him in 2016, only to wake up the next morning with a monumental hangover and the sudden realization of what he’d done.
He couldn’t take his vote back. But with the help of his politico girlfriend Laura, he could challenge the man for the party’s nomination. And now thanks to Laura’s powerful new strategy, it seems Charlie may have a real shot.
But to win it he’ll have to survive the night. And that won’t just be about scheming gotcha questions or juvenile put-downs. Because the conspiracy-driven madness of his partisan adversaries, has placed Charlie in the crosshairs. So as the debate gets under way, and the tension around him builds, nothing less than Charlie’s life and the future of the nation hang in the balance.
Bartholomew St. James
Bartholomew St. James is a one-time political operative, and lifelong political observer, who’s turned his talents to reporting on the politics of our day. And he’s done it with fiction, because he feels that’s the best way to tell the story of a deeply divided nation and the challenges that presents.

The Contrarian Candidate is reaching more readers than ever. Read how...
In addition, we are happy to report that the paperback edition is now available at Barnes and Noble.
Welcome to debate night in America.
“Too entertaining to put down and too insightful to forget”
Lesley Hughes
Award-Winning Canadian Journalist
“Intense and fast paced”
Patrick Lowe
Filmmaker and Documentarian
“A real page turner”
Dr. Richard Smith
Professor, Simon Fraser University
“Provides hope and humanity”
Roger Currie
Columnist and Broadcaster
“A perfect book for right now”
Jim Friesen
Photographer and Poet
Author of The Paradise Theatre And Other Poems
In The Contrarian Candidate, Bartholemew St James creates a parallel universe that deconstructs the current American socio-political situation while at the same time offering a possible way out. Charlie Wyatt, the unlikely hero, brings a philosophical antidote to the divisive powder keg we find ourselves in. Even as he ramps up the momentum on a simple but effective thriller, St James is able to provide a satisfying combination of wisdom and entertainment. A perfect book for right now.
“A tensely enthralling read… Dazzlingly original”
Joan P
United Kingdom
“Vividly captures the zeitgeist of the deeply divided America”
Joseph Rai
Journalist, India
Taking on the President in the upcoming election is an unusual candidate – a comedian named Charlie Wyatt. And that is why I thought the title – The Contrarian Candidate- is apt and witty. A huge chunk of the novel centres around the Presidential debate between Charlie and Teddy Tuff, who is sort of an incarnate of the current President and is standing in for him during the debate. The debate dissects topics from the trade war with China to the President’s notorious sexist remarks that created an uproar across the world. The author goes into depth into these topics and these parts make for an insightful read. Charlie, who himself had voted for the President in 2016, is witty and likeable. But very realistically, the author also exposes the flaws and vulnerabilities of Charlie and if his comedian’s wit is enough to topple the conniving incumbent and hold the most powerful position in the world. At the macro level, the author seeks to explore the degree of truth in the old adage that politics is a dirty game. The author has also successfully portrayed the consequence of the incumbent President’s regime that has stoked nothing but divisions and hatred. Like many perhaps, there is a yearning in the author’s voice for a world where people agreed to disagree and the atmosphere was relatively harmonious and less suffocating. This quote encapsulates this well:“There was a time not so long ago … when we didn’t feel such distance and such hatred towards each other. But nowadays it seems like things have gotten so bad that most of us can’t even remember that world, can’t even remember when we could actually talk to each other.”One can only hope for a return to some semblance of that period when we were more tolerant towards each other.READ MORE
“A very enjoyable and timely read”
Bill McLeish
Calgary, Canada
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