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Let’s think about…

The 2020 Election Aftermath

The Curse of Victory Hollow

The Curse of Victory Hollow

PART ONE: Biden’s Tangled Road Ahead
The victory achieved by Biden and Harris and the Democrats on Nov. 3rd may turn out to be painfully hollow. By just about every measure the results were a disappointment for Democrats, and leave Biden with a whole mess of unsolvable issues.

The Curse of Victory Hollow

The Curse of Victory Hollow

PART TWO: That Cursed Divide
Rather than healing the political divide, Joe Biden seems to have enough on his plate just keeping that divide from becoming even wider. And he’s doing that mainly by being careful not to confront or otherwise irritate those on the other side.

A victory worth celebrating?

A victory worth celebrating?

We saw a lot of celebrating on Saturday after the declaration of Biden’s win. But as I watched those celebrations, it occurred to me that a strange kind of victory was being cheered. Because those celebrations seemed strangely incongruous, and in a couple of important ways.