Let’s think about this…
Trump is just a sideshow
Three things I learned while writing a novel about Trump and his politics, Part 2 of 3:
The Trump phenomenon is not about Trump – not really. It’s much bigger than that. Because Trump is more a symptom than a cause.
Forget the evil genius thing
Three things I learned while writing a novel about Trump and his politics, Part 3 of 3:
Trump is not the genius he was once believed to be. The more savvy and connected an individual was, the more they were inclined toward seeing Trump’s genius.
President Trumped by The Contrarian Candidate
The original title of my book was “President Trumped.” I didn’t care what people thought of the title as long as they remembered it, and it told them something interesting and intriguing about the book. And President Trumped says the book is about someone who uses Trump’s own tactics to defeat him.
Fiction trumps fact!
1,200 books have been written about Trump and his presidency, but none with the depth and honesty of fiction. A lot written about Donald Trump over the last four years. Yet somehow those offerings never really seem to get to the heart of the man and his impact on the country.
Welcome to a Very Political, Non-Political Blog
It’s the story about a man (who I call The Contrarian Candidate.) It’s a story about a president (you know the one.) It’s a story about an election, it’s a story about how we got here, and how we might find a way out of this mess we’ve gotten ourselves into.
React rather than respond
Three Ways to Hand Trump Another Four Years (part 1 of 3)
As the election nears, the reaction from Democrats and the media to Trump’s admittedly outrageous actions and words seems to be coming to a boil. And this is not good.
Dismiss Trump Surrogates
Three Ways to Hand Trump Another Four Years (part 2 of 3)
It has become a programming staple, especially on cable news – invite Trump apologists and other supporters onto a panel discussion or one on one interview, with the sole purpose of trashing their idiocy, hypocrisy and lies. In fact that seems to be the only reason to have them on.
Make it about COVID
Three Ways to Hand Trump Another Four Years (part 3 of 3)
Biden making his campaign largely about COVID may seem like a promising, even obvious, strategy. But to me it’s a strategy whose ship has sailed.
Black Men Matter
President Trump has been making a play for Black men in recent months. And it may be working better than many observers think. It may also come as a surprise to some that over the last three presidential election cycles the Black male vote has nearly tripled for...
The Coming Civil War (part 1 of 2)
Trump appears to be moving the country into unprecedented territory. He is almost certain to fight any results not in his favour. Where does that leave us? Where does it leave the country? What can be done about open conflict? How should the country react to the mess ahead?
The Coming Civil War (part 2 of 2)
What will Trump do if defeated on November 3? With his own personal freedom on the line, not to mention his fragile ego, Trump and his campaign are unleashing teams of lawyers, sending them all across the country to battleground counties in battleground states, with...
The Trump fever-dream continues
Living in a post-election, still-Trump-dominated world, or, I hate to burst your bubble, but… The fervent hope among most Americans, along with pretty much the entire planet, is that the years-long fever dream might soon be over. And on November 3 the reality show...